Sunday, July 18, 2010

Poor little guy (girl?)...

So while I was enjoying my time with Michael BublĂ© (did I mention how ahhhmazing he is?) my sweet husband sends me a text telling me that a baby owl has just flown into our back windows and has knocked itself silly.  This would have been shocking news...had it been the first time...probably more shocking though that it's NOT the first time.  Anyway...both times it's really cool cause we get the chance to see a little owl up close while listening to the momma hoot in the background calling to her baby.  Don't worry both times the baby owl sat for a second then flew away...but this time we got pictures.
I believe he's thinking..."What the heck was that?"
I would like to blame my crystal clear windows but not so much!

I guess my house is just so very warm and inviting...they wanna come in... hehehe

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