Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Pedro's

Yesterday, as I prepared for our 4th of July festivities (celebrated on the 5th...which by the way I didn't like at all!)...I listened to a story in the background. It reached out and literally grabbed my heart...it stopped me in my tracks and I wanted my husband and children to hear it with me...but I couldn't tear my eyes or ears away long enough to call them in. So they had to sit and listen to me tell them about it afterwards...(it's never as good as seeing it live is it?).

The story is about combat paramedics...what touched my heart so much? I never think about the men and women who are taking care of the soldiers...I think often of the soldiers themselves and what they and their families go through but never about the ones behind the scenes, although this group isn't really behind the scenes at all. I listened to them talk and thought about them like mothers I suppose...putting others before themselves no matter the consequences. So maybe that's why I fell in love with this group that called themselves "The Pedros"...they put their lives on the line to save the soldiers that have been wounded by putting themselves on the line. (I want to know these people...I want to shake their hands and hug their necks...these are the real superstars...the people that should make millions of dollars a year!) What an amazing group of young men that choose to do this...do they choose?

So today...on the 6th of July when life goes back to normal and their are no parades or fireworks, the flags are put away and instead of celebrating we are getting back to the daily grind...I'm going to say an extra prayer for not only The Pedros but for their families...I can't imagine knowing my husband or sons were at any given time going to fly into combat to hopefully save the life of a fallen soldier. Join me wont you?

You can see the story here...I dare you not to get goosebumps...

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