Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Just one more coffee date...

Today marks 4 years since my daddy left this world and usually I handle it really well. He was sick and now he's not. He couldn't walk but now he can. He had a rough life but now there is no pain and no fear only beauty, I truly believe that and I'm so dadgumn thankful. But I'm also just really pissed y'all.  I know I'm not supposed to be but I am.

See these two...they are two peas in a pod.  Ice cream and chocolate lovers, they both give until they have nothing left, they love hard and have a temper that can flash.  They are so freaking stubborn.  They think ladies should be treated like ladies.   They both love music like no ones business but neither have a lick of rhythm.  Stupid jokes and inappropriate language fly from their lips. They both tease unmercifully but have a hard time being teased back. They both root for the underdog. They both 'get me' like no one else really does and in less than 5 months that sweet boy will be graduating and I'm just so dadgumn mad that he's not here to watch, to celebrate, to witness his hard work.

4 years and 15 days ago I sat and had coffee with him (he double fisted a hot cup and a frappucino) and we talked...he and I didn't have so much to say to each other when I was growing up but we sure made up for it when I got older. I want so desperately to grab a cup of coffee and sit down with him right now.  To tell him what's wrong and let him help me fix it like only he could. I need his wisdom and his truths, his compassion mixed with tough love....I need my daddy y'all.

4 years is too long...I miss you more MY Daddy and love you A LOT!


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